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By: David Wells
Golf Tips
Golf tips are nothing more than the thought you hold in your head as you swing your golf club. Whether the golf tip comes from another player or a golf pro or that really great player you met on your last Las Vegas golf vacation - what matters is how well the golf tip works.
Your mind and body operate in a stranger fashion. It seems that your body does it's best work when your mind isn't in the way. By that I mean you aren't trying to think through your action you just let it happen. The secret is learning how to make this a habit instead of a rare glimpse of greatness.
So the first golf tip is learn how to turn off your mind and allow your body to swing without conscious interference. If you've learned how to swing correctly then your body knows how.
A great way to make this happen is to think back to a time when you made a perfect swing. Remember the scene in detail. Then remember how it felt. See it play out in your minds eye and feel the way you felt then. Now swing. This simple exercise really works.
Your golf grip is vitally important to your performance on the greens. Good golf starts with a good grip.
If you watch professional golfers you will see that most of their grips are very similar.
You have to find the best hand position and grip for you. It's something that has to be learned . The most important thing is consistency. Once you find the grip that works for you stick with it.
Only when you can put your hands on the club exactly the same way every time can you really tell if your golf grip is working for you. Learn and practice gripping the golf club the same way every time.
Your second golf tip is learn to grip the club the same every time.
Always select a club that will make you ask yourself "How much do I need to back off of this swing?". Use the 75% Rule. Make a 3/4 backswing and follow through, focusing on controlling the direction and distance of the shot.
A heavier club will give you the power you need refine your control and aim. Practice with heavier clubs and you will be able to swing with more control because you won't be putting all your strength into it.
You will find yourself making consistently better contact with the 3/4 swing and probably start hitting the ball farther with your controlled swing than with the full whack.
Golf tip number three is use a heavier club and reduce your swing to 75% - you'll get better power and greater control.
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Tips On Golf Clubs
Keeping the clubface angle square to the target after impact breaks down the left wrist, restricting the left arm rotation. These faults set up a chain reaction creating other faults. The lack of arm rotation affects both clubface direction and angle,resulting in both loss of accuracy and distance. Finally, your swing is going at such a high speed that it's a physical impossibilty for you to even attempt to make any adjustments so commit yourself to doing the right things properly in your setup and takeaway because after that things are out of your control.
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what if 90-percent of your play takes place on one course? Well, it would certainly help to have your wedges tuned for that course's conditions, wouldn't it? Just as it would to have your game tuned to that course's layout and conditions. Matching wedges to course conditions is all about how you use each wedge, and about each wedge's bounce angle.
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Mon, 08 Aug 2005 00:00:00 GMT
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