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A Glossary of Golf Terms for Beginners
By: Bobby Lopez, PGA
Address: The process of placing the club behind the ball and taking a stance in preparation of hitting it.
Alignment: Having the shoulders, hips, knees and feet in proper alignment with each other.
Aim: Having the shoulders, hips, knees and feet properly aligned and pointed in the same direction, usually at a 90-degree angle to the target.
Backspin: The spin of a ball where the forward area of the ball rotates over the top area of the ball causing the ball�s forward movement to slow on impact.
Backswing: The start of the swing as the club moves away from the target.
Ball Flight: The path and trajectory of a ball while in the air.
Closed Club Face: Occurs when the club face is turned slightly counterclockwise
within the swing path. Can cause the ball to hook.
Club Face: The front of the club, which makes contact with the ball.
Compensation: A movement for the purpose of overcoming another flawed motion.
Divot: The mark left in the fairway or rough, caused by the removal of turf by an iron. Indicates the [proper] descending blow of an iron.
Downhill Lie: The angle caused by the ball being on a downward sloping hill.
Draw: The flight of a ball where it bends slightly to the inside, relative to the swing.
Fade: The flight of a ball where it bends slightly to the outside, relative to the swing.
Flier Lie: The lie of a ball on fluffy grass, which causes the ball to pop up more quickly than expected.
Green: The manicured portion of the hole where the cup resides.
Grip: The rubber, plastic or leather sheath on the shaft.
Heel: Where the club head is attached to the shaft.
Hook: The flight of a ball where it bends sharply to the inside, relative to the swing.
Inside Path: The path of the club when it is inside the plane.
Lie: How the ball is sitting (good, bad, flier, etc.)
Lie Angle: The angle of the club shaft in relation to the sole of the club head.
Loft: The face angle relative to the sole of the club head.
Open Club Face: Occurs when the club face is turned slightly clockwise within the swing path. Can cause the ball to slice.
Outside Path: The path of the club when it is outside the plane.
Par: The number of strokes designated by the golf course for each hole and tallied for a total amount. Most 18-hole courses are between 70 and 72.
Pivot: The turning or �coiling� of the upper body during the swing.
Pull: Ball flight characterized by going straight and left of the target
Pull Hook: Ball flight characterized by starting left of the target and bending/curving even more.
Push: Ball flight characterized by going straight and right of the target
Push Slice: Ball flight characterized by starting right of the target and bending/curving even more.
Shank: Hitting the ball off the heel area of the club, which causes the ball to squirt low and to the inside.
Slice: The flight of a ball where it bends sharply to the outside, relative to the swing.
Square Club Face: Occurs when the club face is perpendicular to the swing path.
Sweet Spot: The area on the face of a club where the impact is most beneficial, as designed by the manufacturer.
Toe: The outside of the club, or part of the club head opposite the heel.
Unplayable Lie: A lie where the ball cannot be played due to natural obstructions. See the Rules for details on penalties.
Get a FREE online golf lesson from the Golf Swami at: Bobby Lopez, PGA Bobby Lopez and the G-TEAM (757) 382-5500
More Information On Golf Clubs Clone
Neutral = Straight
There are two key alignments to strive for at the top of the swing that will make hitting fairways much easier. The most important of the two is the clubface position, which should be square (the leading edge basically is parallel to the left arm). Learning this position will remove the need to compensate on the downswing with the hands. Positioning the club parallel to the target line is also extremely important.
...Golf Tips magazine
Clone Club Discount Equipment Golf
Control Your Distance. A proper divot is taken just beyond impact, but it should be shallow. Shallow divots allow you to hit your clubs consistent distances, while deep ones don�t.
Necessities: First-Class Travel Bag. Be sure to check out Club Glove�s Last Bag�it�s indestructible. A Portable GPS Unit. These impressive devices are reliable and easy to use. Some even allow you to measure your drives.
Improve your golf putting with the right golf training aids.
Low-Cost Alternatives
If golf sounds like a great idea, the sticking point to getting started can all too often be cost. After all, you need clubs, balls, tees, and in the case of many clubs a strict dress code must be adhered to that makes entry into the sport appear prohibitive. However, it is essential that such enthusiasm should be nurtured by means of the opportunities afforded by low-cost alternatives. So why not start out by identifying the location of the local driving range, or a municipal course run by the council that will be relatively cheap in terms both of green fees and the hire of clubs.
...mastering golf UK
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